Peru and many other countries worldwide are facing a difficult situation due to the pandemic. Given this emergency situation, Peruvian museums have been taking measures to fill their galleries, mainly through their virtual platforms. If public cannot go to the cultural centers, they will be installed in the houses just using the internet.
Inkayni Peru Tours presents “5 Top Virtual museums in Peru” that can be visited from your home. You will love to learn more about Peru history and tour the museums from the tranquility of your home.
1.- Chavin National Museum
Chavin National Museum is located in the department of Ancash. Here you will find a set of objects that reveal the high degree of development achieved by the Chavín culture.
You will also visit the ceremonial Chavín de Huantar center that dates back to 1200 – 1400 a.c.
What will you see in this museum?
In this museum you can visit its 14 rooms. The most outstanding pieces of the collection are the Tello Obelisk, a prismatic sculpture that exceeds two meters in height, and the Cabezas Clavas that were on the walls of the Chavín de Huántar temple centuries ago.
- Tello Obelisk
- Cabezas Clavas
In 1985, Chavin culture was inscribed in the UNESCO and later was declared as World Heritage site. Follow this link to learn more about Chavin de Huantar Museum.
2.- Historical Regional Museum in Tacna:
Historical Regional Museum in the department of Tacna was created during Manuel Prado government in 1957. The museum has 2 rooms. On the first floor, you will watch all related to Peru Emancipation and Independence. Second room exhibits the Republican period and most outstanding events of the Pacific War and captivity.
Follow this link to learn more about Historical Regional Museum in Tacna.
3.- Jose Carlos Mariategui House Museum:
The House Museum exhibits the the life of Jose Carlos Mariategui and displays furniture, documents and personal objects. He was a Peruvian intellectual, journalist and political philosopher. A prolific writer before his early death at the age of 35. Jose Carlos Mariategui, known as Amauta is considered one of the most influential Latin American socialists of the 20th century.
Amauta works:
- The Contemporary Scene.
- Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality
- “El alma matinal y otras estaciones del hombre de hoy.”
- Novel and life of Siegfried and Canella teacher.
- Marxism Defense.
- A Balance Sheet on Surrealism.
Follow this link to learn more about Jose Carlos Mariategui House Museum
4.- Rescue Room in Cajamarca
Virtual tour of the Rescue Room in Cajamarca will be a very interesting one. You will be able to visit the royal room. This was where Inca Atahualpa was arrested and imprisoned for 8 months and 10 days, from November 16, 1532 to July 26, 1533. The Spaniards with hunger of wealth, offer Atahualpa’s freedom in exchange of gold.
Follow this link to learn more about Rescue Room.
5.- Manuel Chavez Ballon Museum in Cusco
Manuel Chavez Ballon Museum is located 30 minutes from Aguas Calientes in Machu Picchu. The museum presents a collection of 250 original objects between stone, metal, ceramic, bone and others; a result of archeological research in the recent decades in the Inca City of Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail.
We recommend visiting this museum before your trip to Machu Picchu to learn more Follow this link to learn more about Manuel Chavez Ballon Museum.
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“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” – Martin Buber